Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Its been awhile

I haven't written in this blog for a while, partly because I have been busy and also because honestly I haven't found the words to write anything. My life has kind have been at a standstill. Well, maybe not completely. Over the summer I started dating this great guy I met on Tinder. We have been together for eight months. But recently, it seems that he no longer has the time anymore to see me. This has been very frustrating. So as one aspect of my life is in shambles, I decided to work on other parts of my life. That is when I asked one of my best friends to help me look for a better job. The whole idea of searching for a job bores me and stresses me out at the same time. Searching the internet for jobs, submitting resumes and the adding cover letters and making sure that you put the right information in said cover letters. It can make a sane person go crazy.
Well the work day is almost over and I need to wrap up this post (yes I know its short), however, I do have to babysit tonight. I am going to do my very best about keeping up with this blog and posting good interesting articles for y'all to read and share some of my goals with y'all as well.

Raised Right