Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I am moving to Washington DC next month. Right now I am trying to iron out the details of the specific date. I want to move on the 17th, however, my mother has made it her life mission to piss me off in every way possible. She says she can't help me until the 25th. She doesn't seem to think that my older sister is responsible enough to look after our friend's golden retriever.

Right now I could really use a couple of bottles of wine and a movie. I don't what what movie I am in the mood to watch something romantic and maybe sad but nothing that will maybe annoy me. Maybe my mother is right. Maybe I am becoming an alcoholic. But then again, I could argue that she is the one driving me to drink. Which is why I need to move out of this house and down to DC, so I don't become an alcoholic.

I want to pack away all my belongings and get away from all of this stuff right now. Have a nice glass of wine and relax.

(sorry for the rant but sometimes talking about these things just help)

Raised Right

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Yacht Club Life

Yesterday was the commissioning of my yacht club. It was also a dear friend's 21st birthday and Foxfields. I wish I could have been around for all three but I can't be in three different states at once and much as I would like to be. The commissioning of a yacht club is the way we celebrate the beginning of the sailing season. Everyone dressed up, drinking champagne, eating expensive food. It is wonderful.

There was not a whole lot of wind, but the weather was great! It was a perfect day to be by the water.

I am so excited for the summer! Lots of sailing and parties to attend!

More to follow about up coming events I will be attending!

And I will hopefully know soon what day I will be moving to DC. I need to find a job so I can pay the bills as well.

Raised Right

Friday, April 19, 2013


I just realized that before just posting my rant about Looney Tunes, my last post was about my dog Hoover. I am sorry to say that he passed away last weekend. This house has been so empty and lonely. I miss him so much! He is in doggy heaven with our other dogs: Madison, Ginger, Molly, and Purdey!

In order our dogs: Madison, Ginger, Molly, Hoover, and Purdey.

In order of passing: Molly, Madison, Ginger, Purdey, and then Hoover

I miss them all terribly but I am happy they are all together playing and sleeping.

Raised Right

Looney Tunes

I have recently been babysitting a few times a week for family friends. They have a 4 year old boy, he is filled with energy every time I see him. The other day, before going to the park I thought I would let him watch some Looney Tunes because I loved that show growing up.... But his father came over and told me to turn it off and that they don't let him watch it because it is "too violent."

He then told me I will understand when I have kids. Of course, I said I did but I was really thinking "OMFG is they guy crazy??? Do you really not let your kid watch Looney Tunes??"

I feel bad for this boy sometimes. His parents buy him wonderfully preppy clothes which is a plus but also make him eat incredibly healthy organic stuff that grosses me out then doesn't let him watch classic cartoons!

What has the world come to?

Raised Right

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Prayers for Hoover!

My poor dog has been in the hospital since Saturday. At first the vet thought he might have some kind of auto-immune disorder but today he now thinks he was bitten by a tick but not the kind around here that carry lime disease. The type of disease the vet thinks he has is Ehrichiosis. Which is only found in the southwest. We had been going down to Virginia bringing the dog for 5 years. So it is possible that he was bitten any point in the past 5 years and is just now showing the symptoms. I am praying that this is what is wrong with him because there is a cure!

In other news, I started working on getting the deck ready for the summer. Starting my chipping away the old paint, next step is sanding. I need to let the wood dry out because it rained last night and it is going to rain again tomorrow. So hopefully Monday I can start painting!

Please keep my dog Hoover in your prayers! We miss him and hope he can come home soon!

Raised Right

Sunday, April 7, 2013

RIP Lilly Pulitzer

One of my idols, Lilly Pulitzer passed away this morning! She is never be forgotten as an inspiration to us all! Every preppy will continue to wear her bright colorful prints on any occasion! She will always and forever be a fashion icon!

The Lilly girl is always full of surprises.
She lives everyday like it's a celebration.
Never has a dull moment.
And makes every hour a happy hour.
(Remember to) Live a Lilly life!

R.I.P. Lilly Pulitzer (November 10, 1931- April 7,2013)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Follow up on Easter

Easter was lovely.

Anthropologie dress & Vince Camuto heels

I finally bought Skyfall!

Daddy picked some flowers from the garden yesterday for me!

It was nice seeing my sister for Easter and seeing my God-brother John.

Monday, April 1, 2013


I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

I really shouldn't be doing this with wet nails!

My sister was home along with my God-brother!

We went to church then came home and ate leg of lamb!

Raised Right

(more later)