Sunday, April 28, 2013

Yacht Club Life

Yesterday was the commissioning of my yacht club. It was also a dear friend's 21st birthday and Foxfields. I wish I could have been around for all three but I can't be in three different states at once and much as I would like to be. The commissioning of a yacht club is the way we celebrate the beginning of the sailing season. Everyone dressed up, drinking champagne, eating expensive food. It is wonderful.

There was not a whole lot of wind, but the weather was great! It was a perfect day to be by the water.

I am so excited for the summer! Lots of sailing and parties to attend!

More to follow about up coming events I will be attending!

And I will hopefully know soon what day I will be moving to DC. I need to find a job so I can pay the bills as well.

Raised Right

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