Sunday, January 26, 2014


I have one chapter written of my novel. Well the start of the first chapter. I know it needs more but I have a feeling more will come once I write more of it. More inspiration will come to me as I continue. I just wish I had more red wine. Red wine or white wine. Wine helps me think. Yesterday I worked on edits on the first chapter over wine. Now I need wine to help me get my head working to continue onto chapter two. Or I could do coffee but its really late to be drinking coffee.

Last night I was working on chapter one by candle light and drinking wine. I have to say it was pretty nice. Calming almost.

I also thought of naming a character after my grandmother. My grandmother was a wonderful person. It may take some time to create the perfect character that really and truly captures who she was.

This blog the best way for me to sort of figure out my next move for my novel. That is what I am trying to do right now. So I apologize for any babbling that I do now or in the future.

But I do have to thank my best friend/roommate and my mother for all their help so far and the future help that I have no doubt that they will provide. They are truly generous people.


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