Thursday, February 28, 2013

Coney Island

Tonight I went to a lecture on Coney Island. I'm not going to lie to y'all but I kinda fell asleep for the first half hour. It was kinda slow start and I was also just really tired. But I would have like to have heard more about the history and heard more about the fires that destroyed parts of the attractions. Obviously everyone's favorite part was at the end when speaker John B. Manbeck went into detail about the rides. However, the best part was brief because it was getting to the end and people were ready to leave. I had a very nice talk with a guy afterwards. He must have been mid-twenties and cute. He showed up to the lecture because his grandfather told him about it because he is writing a screenplay about Coney Island set in the 1930s. He said he wants it to be a love story like the Titanic. I was really tempted to tell him to make sure that Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't star in it because if he does I wont see it.

Overall it was a good night. I just wish I had felt better.

Raised Right

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