Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Day

My sister got an apartment in New York City. She signs the lease on Tuesday and is moving into the apartment in a few weeks. Today we went shopping for a mattress and all that shit for her! The best part for me was when she bought me lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings! But I did really enjoy spending time with my sister even if it was shopping but I guess since it was for her apartment and not for clothes it makes it less annoying. I am really happy she finally found an apartment! But I am also going to miss her so much! I wont get to see her everyday which will suck because I love but also really fucking hate being at home! I am very jealous she gets to move out so soon! I am still trying to find a job so I can afford to move into my apartment in Washington DC.

I could probably go on more about this but for fucks sake it is 3am and I should really go to bed.

Oh quick update: I have been working out but not as much I would like... mostly just a little light ab workout each night before bed. Starting out with plank for a minute to a minute and a half.

Goodnight y'all!

Raised Right

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