Monday, February 18, 2013

Its been one of those days...

For as long as I can remember I have heard stories from my mother about how skinny she was back in the day... She didn't weigh 110lbs until after she had my older sister! So it wouldn't come to any surprise by anyone that I have some body issues. Today I decided that I wanted to be comfortable and embrace my body. I have curves! I have a large ass and a little fat around my belly. I was walking around my house in my sport shorts and a sports bra and then my mother decides it is a good idea to tell me to unroll my short and pull them up to cover myself. Which has now resulted in me pouring myself a strong gin and tonic and writing this blog entry. 

I know I shouldn't let her comments get to me because I know I am beautiful and I don't need to compare myself to how she looked. Every time now that she does comment on me needing to lose weight I can't help but bite my tongue. I love my mother and I don't care if she weighs like 10lbs or 500lbs. But after my mother quit smoking she gain a lot of weight and hasn't done anything to get rid of it and it always complaining. I wish she could have motivation to lose it like I do. (I want to lose like 20lbs but obviously keep my ass cause it is awesome!)

Raised Right

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