Thursday, February 21, 2013

sick day

Today sucks.... I have a sinus headache which is the worst and of course before this came on I promised my dad I would help make dinner! So what I've been doing today is laying in bed and watching Suburgatory. I wont get into details about how shitty I feel right now but my day is getting better cause I just found music on my computer that I almost forgot I had. The band Chill B is so incredible. My sister, her best friend and I discovered them when we were in high school (I might have been in middle school~ I can't remember). We discovered them on one of our many trips to Nantucket. It is not so much a band as just two guys (who from what I can remember were very hott). They went to Middlebury College in Vermont. I think they just performed during their college days and then joined the real world because I haven't heard of them since.

I think it is time to start cooking y'all!

Raised Right

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