Friday, February 15, 2013


Yesterday was Valentine's Day....

Every year Valentine's Day comes along and whether or not you are in a relationship for some reason people make such a big deal about this "holiday". In my opinion, it is a good holiday for people who are in committed relationship who care deeply for one another. Girls tend to hate this "holiday" if they are not in a relationship because it is just another reminder that they are alone. It really annoys me when I go onto any social media page and all the single people that I know are complaining that they are alone and how much they hate Valentine's Day! Well I am sorry but I don't give a shit! I hate it sometimes because when I see couples being romantic makes me want to vomit and reminds me that I haven't found that special someone to share holidays and such with but mostly I hate Valentine's Day because of the people bitching about how much they hate Valentine's Day and that they are alone. Yes you might have been alone and not had a partner to share it with but that doesn't necessarily mean you wont have someone to share it with next year or ever. Besides you should just make the most of being single! Have fun! Enjoy it because when you are married and have gone through countless Valentine's Days and anniversaries you may still love that person or you might hate them. Everyone who is single should go out to a bar (obviously if they are of legal drinking age) and meet people! Or invite your other single friends over and just enjoy it!

Some people get overly cheesy with Valentine's Day with the chocolates and teddy bears! I just know that when I do find someone that it doesn't matter what we do on Valentine's Day or what you get me.... All that should matter is that we are together!


Raised Right

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