Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life update

On Sunday, only a few hours after church service Constance passed away. A service was help at the Greek Orthodox church. It was a lovely service. It was a sad occasion, but I was happy that my sister came out for it.

This evening my sister came back out for the weekend. I am so happy she is home! I am also happy that I don't have to babysit tomorrow so hopefully we can get massages! But either way I get paid tomorrow! YAY money!

Looking forward to Easter and spending time with family!

I was hoping to go down to Charlottesville next month but I don't think I can justify spending the money if I don't have a job. I actually don't really want to find a job. I like being at home. I don't like being lazy and laying in bed all the time. But I've been babysitting and I like the money.

I also need to start working on getting my boat fixed!

Well that is an update on my life!

Raised Right

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday

This morning I woke up at 7am. That's right people I woke up at 7am! I showered, blow dried my hair, put my make-up on and put on a lovely green dress with my navy and green blazer (both from Anthropologie) and navy heels and went to church for the Palm Sunday service! It was a lovely service that started outside. I was sinking into the grass the whole time which was distracting. My parents and I sat with friends. During the service I found out that a family friend's wife was supposed to pass away three days ago. She has cancer. She is in my prayers. I realize that praying for her to get better is pointless so I pray that she doesn't suffer.

If any of you are wondering why I haven't posted in a week it is because I was sick and decided to sleep and try to make my self better and watch a lot of Psych on Netflix! It is a great show about two best friends, one of them is a fake psychic who helps the police solve cases and the other is a pharmaceutical salesman who helps his best friend on the side! Some of my favorite lines from the show are: "Gus, don't be a giant snapping turtle", "Gus, don't be a rapid porcupine", "Gus, don't be exactly half of an eleven-pound black forest ham", "Shawn: Gus, don't be Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Marzipan. Gus: It's Azkaban. Shawn: I've heard it both ways."

I hope you all have an amazing Palm Sunday!

Raised Right

Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day! The day that everyone is Irish and drinks to excess! A day of drunk debauchery! Well for most people anyway. But for me yesterday I woke up to bacon and french toast and ice coffee! We were going to make our coffees Irish but we realized to late that the Bailey's we had in our house had in fact gone bad!

(Here is my dog Hoover and part of my plate)


By around 5 o'clock my mother and I decided it was time to start drinking. I made myself a Madras: Vodka, Cranberry Juice, Orange Juice and a wedge of Lime.

(Madras in a Mason Jar)

Dinner : Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots and Irish beer!

I hope y'all had a Happy St. Patrick's Day! 
And that y'all aren't too hungover for work today!

Raised Right

Friday, March 15, 2013

Skinny Girl

Today I babysat my favorite 1 1/2 year old: Emmie! 

(Here is Emmie having a snack after her nap)

(She nearly through a hissy fit so I let her put on her jacket)

(She was trying to steal my phone! She said it was hers!)

(Here I am... my ootd: AG skinny jeans, purple checkered oxford from J. McLaughlin, green Lilly Pulitzer fleece and sperrys)

(Skinny Girl Margarita in my mason jar) - Starting the weekend out right!

Raised Right

Monday, March 11, 2013

DIY: Mason Jar To-Go Cup

I love mason jars. I have seen so many ideas how to use them thanks to pinterest! And today I finally decided to try the DIY: Mason Jar To-Go Cup! It is really easy and takes very little time! I have seen Mason Jar To-Go Cups at Bed Bath and Beyond but they were plastic. I don't want plastic! I want the real thing!

Today I embarked to Home Depot and bought #14 Finishing Washers in Stainless. Besides that you will obviously need a mason jar (any size will do) with a lid, a hot glue gun, and a drill (you can also use a cropodile or even a hammer and a nail), and a reusable straw!

Here is my mason jar: it a large one but it doesn't matter if you use a small one

I drilled a whole in the middle of the lid carefully. I had to use pliers to widen the whole so the straw would fit!

Here are the #14 Finishing Washers (in the package there are 4 of them and at Home Depot it is less than $2)

Hot Glue Gun: be careful

Fill the inside of the washer with hot glue (try not to overfill) & be careful because it's hot!


You're done!

Now the hard part is deciding what to drink first! For me I chose Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka & water. (I would have done lemonade but I unfortunately did not have any at my house!) 
P.S. It literally just tastes like sweet tea!

Now if you aren't a Do It Yourselfer... Please feel free to ask me any questions. But I do have to warn you I am pretty new at this myself. 

I think my next mason jar DIY will be to tint it! I might need some color suggestions. 

Raised Right

Edit: After I used my to-go up the #14 washer came loose. I suggest using something stronger. Like super glue, gorilla glue or apoxie! I used apoxie on mine and it works like a charm!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

That's what best friends are for

Last night my best friend came home for Spring Break... She is in her first year of grad school and kicking ass! We have been friends since fourth grade and best friends since probably like ninth grade I think. I told her that I recently realized that I have a crush on someone and I gave her some hints such as: He went to Lynchburg, I am friends with him on facebook, and I think I've only actually met him once. And she knew right away who I was talking about. In my opinion that is when you know your best friend is your best friend! They can practically read your mind.

(Some random guy, Me, my best friend Melissa, her friend Jodie, and Joe at Lynchburg)

(My bestie & Me at Lynchburg)

A best friend is someone who is always there for you and I am lucky enough to have three best friends!

1. My sister Lisa:
(Me & My Sister Lisa: wearing Lilly)

2. My bestie Melissa:
(I am pretty wasted in this picture)

3. My best friend Sarah:
(Me & Sarah drinking southsides & wearing Lilly)

I have known my sister my whole life. We tell each other everything! Well most of the time! We fight like sisters but we talk like best friends. Melissa and I have known each other since the fourth grade and even though we weren't friends at first we became best friends over the years. Sarah and I have known each other since the sandbox. We drifted apart over the years but because of social media we have stayed in touch! Thankfully she came back into my life because I do not know what my life would be like without her... or even any of these three amazing people! They have certainly made me a better person which we all know I am probably going to hell cause I am a bitch! But I would do anything for my best friends and that is all that matters!

Raised Right

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Throw Back Thursday

My Throw Back Thursday: Summer 2009

Christine, Jenny, & Me holding Bill.
From our outfits you may be able to tell that it was raining. Which is why we are wearing our foul weather jackets. #SailingInstructorProblems
Along with having to wear life jackets. I didn't usually mind wearing mine because it had to be my all time favorite life jacket! It is hard to tell but both my life jacket and foul weather jacket are both yellow which is hard to tell in this picture. Yellow just happens to be my favorite color.

My foul weather jacket is Henry-Lloyd and life jacket is Lotus (the life jacket I have is no longer made. For some time Patagonia made them but not anymore)

Please feel free to ask me any questions about sailing. I taught sailing for 4 years and have been sailing since I was a baby. So basically 22 years.

Raised Right

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Girl Scout Cookie Time

One of my favorite things in the world is that time of year when I get my Girl Scout Cookies. My favorite are the Thin Mints. They are the best. Down at school there was a little smoothie shop that would make one using Thin Mints and it would have to be my favorite.

But what really annoys me is that each year the boxes get smaller and the prices go up! I do not think that it is fair to those who purchase them. I realize that the Girl Scouts probably make more by doing this but I would probably still buy the same amount no matter what size box they were in. I think we all need to complain about this!

I remember when my mother would buy so many boxes it was like Christmas Day. Of course we did not eat them right away. We had a freezer in the basement that we would store them in along with other food. Unfortunately, we do not have that freezer anymore thanks to Hurricane Sandy! We no longer buy as many Girl Scout Cookies because we find it offensive that they give us less and make us pay more. Now we will still buy them because they are so darn good but we can't buy as many as we used to.

Please let me know what your opinion is!

Raised Right

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Yesterday when I was in the City helping my sister set up her apartment we realized that we needed a step ladder to clean certain areas of her apartment. So of course my mother and I went to the hardware store to get one along with other items that she needed. We went to the one on 85th and 1st right next to the Starbucks! I think that hardware store is my favorite one I have ever been in! It had everything I could possibly want or need. The one thing I made my mother buy me was this:

A magnet with: I heart Bacon!

Now if any of y'all know me then you know that I love bacon more than anything. I will not share it with anyone. I don't like to share it even with my family! I have only share my bacon once and that was with my ex-boyfriend. And sometimes I regret it but other times I do not...

This afternoon when I woke up from some much needed sleep my daddy was making bacon and I must say waking up to bacon is the best way to wake up! I will never tell him this but sometimes I just want bacon and nothing else but my parents do not understand that.

Bacon & Scrambled Eggs

It is a little hard to tell but that is eight pieces of bacon and scrambled eggs. Now can any of you guess what I did next?

Some of you are probably thinking I ate everything on that plate. But you would be wrong! I ate my bacon slowly enjoying every delicious savory bite. Then brought my plate down stairs and gave the eggs to my wonderful golden retriever named Hoover.

I know I should have just sucked it up and ate my eggs but the truth is I just wanted the bacon. Can you blame me... It's FUCKING BACON!!!! I LOVE BACON!!!!

Raised Right

Sister's Apartment

My sister moved into her apartment finally and it needed a lot of work. Her bathtub was rusty and so was her stove. Now I don't have any before pictures but trust me it was so disgusting!

 Here is the bathtub with a combination of Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Salt! (Let it sit then scrub with a scrub brush or brillo!

An Improvement but not completely gone...

However the combination of Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide and Salt worked wonders on the stove!
The whole thing was covered in rust and now look at it.

(Warning: Wear gloves) ALSO: You will probably need to repeat this remedy a few times to get the results you desire! It will also take practically all day but it is an amazing work out!

My sister and my god-brother found this awesome couch at thrift store for $250!
OH did I mention that it is a pull out couch! It was a pain in the ass to carry it like four blocks and up a flight of stairs but it works perfectly in her apartment!


Sometimes I am a nice sister, this is proof: I MADE MY SISTER'S BED!

 (I made that duck blanket... I gave it to my dog to use but then my sister decided she wanted it.)

More pictures to follow once she gets everything set up!

Raised Right