Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life update

On Sunday, only a few hours after church service Constance passed away. A service was help at the Greek Orthodox church. It was a lovely service. It was a sad occasion, but I was happy that my sister came out for it.

This evening my sister came back out for the weekend. I am so happy she is home! I am also happy that I don't have to babysit tomorrow so hopefully we can get massages! But either way I get paid tomorrow! YAY money!

Looking forward to Easter and spending time with family!

I was hoping to go down to Charlottesville next month but I don't think I can justify spending the money if I don't have a job. I actually don't really want to find a job. I like being at home. I don't like being lazy and laying in bed all the time. But I've been babysitting and I like the money.

I also need to start working on getting my boat fixed!

Well that is an update on my life!

Raised Right

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