Sunday, March 3, 2013


Yesterday when I was in the City helping my sister set up her apartment we realized that we needed a step ladder to clean certain areas of her apartment. So of course my mother and I went to the hardware store to get one along with other items that she needed. We went to the one on 85th and 1st right next to the Starbucks! I think that hardware store is my favorite one I have ever been in! It had everything I could possibly want or need. The one thing I made my mother buy me was this:

A magnet with: I heart Bacon!

Now if any of y'all know me then you know that I love bacon more than anything. I will not share it with anyone. I don't like to share it even with my family! I have only share my bacon once and that was with my ex-boyfriend. And sometimes I regret it but other times I do not...

This afternoon when I woke up from some much needed sleep my daddy was making bacon and I must say waking up to bacon is the best way to wake up! I will never tell him this but sometimes I just want bacon and nothing else but my parents do not understand that.

Bacon & Scrambled Eggs

It is a little hard to tell but that is eight pieces of bacon and scrambled eggs. Now can any of you guess what I did next?

Some of you are probably thinking I ate everything on that plate. But you would be wrong! I ate my bacon slowly enjoying every delicious savory bite. Then brought my plate down stairs and gave the eggs to my wonderful golden retriever named Hoover.

I know I should have just sucked it up and ate my eggs but the truth is I just wanted the bacon. Can you blame me... It's FUCKING BACON!!!! I LOVE BACON!!!!

Raised Right

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