Monday, March 11, 2013

DIY: Mason Jar To-Go Cup

I love mason jars. I have seen so many ideas how to use them thanks to pinterest! And today I finally decided to try the DIY: Mason Jar To-Go Cup! It is really easy and takes very little time! I have seen Mason Jar To-Go Cups at Bed Bath and Beyond but they were plastic. I don't want plastic! I want the real thing!

Today I embarked to Home Depot and bought #14 Finishing Washers in Stainless. Besides that you will obviously need a mason jar (any size will do) with a lid, a hot glue gun, and a drill (you can also use a cropodile or even a hammer and a nail), and a reusable straw!

Here is my mason jar: it a large one but it doesn't matter if you use a small one

I drilled a whole in the middle of the lid carefully. I had to use pliers to widen the whole so the straw would fit!

Here are the #14 Finishing Washers (in the package there are 4 of them and at Home Depot it is less than $2)

Hot Glue Gun: be careful

Fill the inside of the washer with hot glue (try not to overfill) & be careful because it's hot!


You're done!

Now the hard part is deciding what to drink first! For me I chose Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka & water. (I would have done lemonade but I unfortunately did not have any at my house!) 
P.S. It literally just tastes like sweet tea!

Now if you aren't a Do It Yourselfer... Please feel free to ask me any questions. But I do have to warn you I am pretty new at this myself. 

I think my next mason jar DIY will be to tint it! I might need some color suggestions. 

Raised Right

Edit: After I used my to-go up the #14 washer came loose. I suggest using something stronger. Like super glue, gorilla glue or apoxie! I used apoxie on mine and it works like a charm!

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