Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sister's Apartment

My sister moved into her apartment finally and it needed a lot of work. Her bathtub was rusty and so was her stove. Now I don't have any before pictures but trust me it was so disgusting!

 Here is the bathtub with a combination of Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Salt! (Let it sit then scrub with a scrub brush or brillo!

An Improvement but not completely gone...

However the combination of Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide and Salt worked wonders on the stove!
The whole thing was covered in rust and now look at it.

(Warning: Wear gloves) ALSO: You will probably need to repeat this remedy a few times to get the results you desire! It will also take practically all day but it is an amazing work out!

My sister and my god-brother found this awesome couch at thrift store for $250!
OH did I mention that it is a pull out couch! It was a pain in the ass to carry it like four blocks and up a flight of stairs but it works perfectly in her apartment!


Sometimes I am a nice sister, this is proof: I MADE MY SISTER'S BED!

 (I made that duck blanket... I gave it to my dog to use but then my sister decided she wanted it.)

More pictures to follow once she gets everything set up!

Raised Right

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