Thursday, March 7, 2013

Throw Back Thursday

My Throw Back Thursday: Summer 2009

Christine, Jenny, & Me holding Bill.
From our outfits you may be able to tell that it was raining. Which is why we are wearing our foul weather jackets. #SailingInstructorProblems
Along with having to wear life jackets. I didn't usually mind wearing mine because it had to be my all time favorite life jacket! It is hard to tell but both my life jacket and foul weather jacket are both yellow which is hard to tell in this picture. Yellow just happens to be my favorite color.

My foul weather jacket is Henry-Lloyd and life jacket is Lotus (the life jacket I have is no longer made. For some time Patagonia made them but not anymore)

Please feel free to ask me any questions about sailing. I taught sailing for 4 years and have been sailing since I was a baby. So basically 22 years.

Raised Right

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